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Previous events


Angelehnt an den Lehrplan der 10. Klassen Gymnasium, lud der SFB1258 anlässlich der Ausstellung von AIS3 [aiskju:b] in der Reaktorhalle zu einem Schulprogramm mit Vorträgen von Wissenschaftlerinnen des SFB1258 zu Aspekten der modernen Kosmologie, die auch eine Verbindung zur ausgestellten…

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On Saturday and Sunday, 9 and 10 February, the Reaktorhalle was open for public from 10 am to 8 pm. A total of 1.500 visitors came to see the AIS3 [aiskju:b] light-and-sound installation, discussing aspects of neutrino research, IceCube and AIS3 with the artist Dr. Tim Otto Roth and students and…

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A dialogue between scientists and artists creates objects of common knowledge

In October 2018, the project group Sonderforschungsbereich 42*), consisting of art students from the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and physics students from the SFB1258 at the Technical University of Munich, went on an…

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