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Previous events


As a young scientist, you are busy with conducting experiments, analyzing data and much more to get your Master, PhD thesis or your next publication done. So why worry about another task: communicating your research to an audience that goes beyond your peers? We will be discussing the reasons that…

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Normalerweise versuchen Physiker*innen unsere Welt zu beschreiben. Es mag daher überraschend sein, dass sich über die letzten Jahrzehnte immer mehr Interesse an einer Theorie entwickelt hat, die höchstens eine Karikatur unseres Universums abbildet. Sie trägt den mysteriösen Namen N=4…

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The General Meeting of the SFB1258 will be held at ESO Telescopium Auditorium on Monday, 10 July and Tuesday, 11 July from 9:00 until 16:00. The General Meeting ends with a social dinner at Gasthof Neuwirt starting at 18:00.

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